Construction Near CMWD Facilities

Engineering Standards for Developer and Public Projects that Impact Calleguas Pipelines

If you are planning to construct a project (public or private) where there are existing Calleguas facilities, there are specific requirements to be met before the District will sign the plans confirming that the project will not have an impact on Calleguas facilities.  It is recommended that you coordinate with Calleguas early in the design process, as your proposed project may necessitate substantial review, evaluation, and even re-design due to the presence of Calleguas facilities.

To request record drawings of Calleguas facilities, please email Gabriela Araujo at: [email protected] with the following information:

  • Name, Phone Number, & e-mail address of the requestor
  • Requestor’s client contact information (if applicable) including name, phone number, & e-mail address
  • A description of the planned work
  • Maps and exhibits showing the location and extent of the planned work
  • Available planning, concept, or preliminary design level documents of the proposed project

Reviewing and complying with the District Procedures for Review and Approval will help expedite review and approval of your plans.  Selected standard drawings and the SWRCB DDW separation standards are also provided here for your reference.

Detail Drawings